Sicker Man & Kiki Bohemia
CIRCOLO BUNKER – sabato 15 dicembre 2018 – On his album “The Missing”, SICKER MAN displays no fear of the grand gesture. Again and again, he swims in massive, noisy widescreen guitar sounds. But from there it is only a small step to intimate chamber music sketches.
sabato 15 dicembre 2018
Sicker Man & Kiki Bohemia
Sabato 15 Dicembre
Circolo Bunker presenta:
Sicker Man & Kiki Bohemia (DE)
On his album “The Missing”, SICKER MAN displays no fear of the grand gesture. Again and again, he swims in massive, noisy widescreen guitar sounds. But from there it is only a small step to intimate chamber music sketches.
His longtime collaborator KIKI BOHEMIA is present as an additional vocalist and soundscaper on the album as well as live on stage.
Together they will create a unique style of music, that is resembling the attitude of bands like MY BLOODY VALENTINE, NEU! and SUICIDE.
ore 21:00 apertura porte e bar
ore 22:00 inizio concerti
c/o Circolo Bunker
Via Sicilia 1/C, San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO)
località San Matteo della Decima
ingresso gratuito con tessera AICS
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